Poker Tournament Dunedin
Dunedin Casino poker tournament schedule and information, including starting times, buy-ins, prize pool guarantees, and freerolls. Dunedin Lanes Tournament Info: We offer tournaments year round for teams, individuals, and mixed competition. Our tournaments are always fun and competitive. Anyone interested in bowling in a tournament at Dunedin Lanes can call us at (727)736-1282. Entries with complete rules for upcoming tournaments are available in-center. Upcoming Tournaments.
Getting Started
Keep an eye out on our Dunedin Caino Poker Facebook page for up and coming tournaments.
The aim
Poker Tournament Dunedin 2019
The aim of the game is for one player to beat all the other players and win the combined wagers or pot, by using their best five-card poker hand. This is achieved by showing either the highest-ranking hand at the showdown or a superior playing strategy (bluffing).
The wagers
One hand of Poker consists of an initial deal and/or community cards, card draws and a number of betting rounds, depending on the game being played. In each round players bet against each other’s hands.
The round
A player may choose to withdraw from any round of play in poker if they don’t think their cards are good enough – this is known as ‘folding’. By doing so you need not contribute further to the pot but instead forfeit all claim to the pot.
The commission
When you play poker at Dunedin Casino, the role of the Casino is simply one of host. We provide a Dealer, the necessary equipment and a safe, controlled environment. In return for these services, the Casino takes a small amount from the pot at the end of each round of play or during the course of a hand.
Buying In
To play in a cash game, you will need to be seated by a supervisor. If the games are full they will put your name on a list until a seat is available. Once your seat is ready you will now need to buy in for the minimum buy-in amount posted on the table for that particular game. The Dealer will ensure you have the correct amount. You will not be permitted to sit down without at least the minimum buy-in.
Playing The Game
Now that you are seated with your chips, you’ll want the dealer to deal you in. You can usually start playing straight away by posting the big blind, or you can wait until you are required to post.
If you have any questions, please ask the dealer or any of our poker staff.
Cashing Out
Poker Tournament Dunedin Fl
When you’ve finished playing a cash game, give your chips to the dealer to colour up to larger chips, or you can take them with you. They can be used on other gaming tables or changed back into cash at the cash desk.